What hours are the Hall of Fame and Museum open?
You can find that information here (or via the "Visit" menu) but please note that the hours are subject to change by the Anvil Centre so you may wish to follow the link provided around holiday times to ensure you have the latest information.
What is the significance of your Logo and who designed it?
From 2013 through 2021 the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame logo was the work of designer/artist Celta Riden. The emblem combined the concepts of tradition and the present and incorporated our motto "Our Game. Our Heritage."
In 2021 the CLHOF will adopt a new logo - bold and with a strong reflection to the history of the game and and the impact the game has had.
What is the timeline and History of the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame?
A brief History of the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame
CLHoF Timeline
Date | Description | Notes |
1963 | Initiation of concept | Early in 1963 a group of lacrosse enthuisiasts in New Westminster decided that, because of the Royal City's historical background in the National Sport, that New Westminster would be an appropriate location for the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame. |
Campaign for support | With the blessing of the New Westminster City Council the interested parties applied to the Canadian Lacrosse Association for a Charter and an agressive campaign for support was mounted. | |
1964 | CLA Awards Charter | The Charter from the Canadian Lacrosse Association was awarded in November of 1964. |
1965 | Incorporation | The Hall of Fame was incorporated under the Societies Act |
Selection Committees | Selection committees were appointed in both the East and West to name the Charter Members of the Hall | |
1966 | Initial Induction | The selection committees met in Montreal on January 19, 1966 and 48 founding members were inducted into the Hall of Fame. A List of these Charter Members may be found here or they may viewed in this Gallery |
1967 | Official Opening | On May 17, 1967 Tom Gordon, then President of the Canadian Lacrosse Association, officially opened the Hall of Fame premises. The premises were located in New Westminster's Centennial Community Centre |
1980 | Hall Alterations | In 1980 extensive alterations and additions were made in the Hall of Fame to allow for better presentation and understanding of the items on display and of Canada's National Sport. |
1997 | Addition of Veterans Category | Induction of new members is made on an annual basis. To the intial three categores - field players, box players, and builders - a Veteran Category was added in 1967 to preserve the memory of stars of yesteryear. |
1998 | Addition of Team Category | The Board of Governors determined that it was important to recognize the success of the great teams of the game so added an outstanding Team Category in 1998. |
2013 | A new Logo |
As step before moving to our new home in 2014 the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame announces its new logo featuring our motto "Our Game. Our Heritage." |
2014 | A New Hall | In November of 2014 - its 50th Anniversy - the Hall of Fame moved to our new location in the Anvil Centre and is open during the centre's business hours 7 days per week. The Board of Governors would like to invite you to visit the Hall and walk down memory lane with the lacrosse greats. Some great pictures of the Hall and notes about its design may be found on the website of one of the exhibit and infographics designers |
2015 | Class of 2015 |
As of November 2015, 505 persons have been nonoured with election to the Hall of Fame - 149 Builders, 85 Field Players, 222 Box Players, and 49 Veterans. There are 19 teams inducted in the Team Category. |
2016 | Revison Of Criteria |
The Board of Governors determined and initiated a motion, passed at the 2015 Annual General Meeting, that the Induction Criteria and Nomination process should be updated to both reflect changes in the nature of the game and timing needs for announcement and proper honouring of new Inductees. The new criteria and nomination forms are effective from the 2016 Induction year forward. Henceforth, there shall be four (4) classes of Membership in the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame: Player, Veteran, Builder and Team. Nominations for election as Honoured Members shall be made in writing and must be filed with the Chairs of the Eastern or Western Selection Committees, or the Governing Board Secretary, by no later than March 1st of the current year. |
2021 | Combined Induction of Class of 2020 and 2021 |
For the first time in our history the Hall of Fame inducted two classes on the same date. The 2020 Induction had been postponed due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic and resultant restrictions on public gatherings. With the easing of restrictions in late 2021 we were able to honour the deserving members of the Class of 2021 and 2022 on the evening of November 13, 2021. A table, showing all inductees of each class may be found on the page Honoured Members. |
2021 | New Logo |
A new logo was introduced at the November 13 CLHOF Induction Ceremony and Ban quit. The Evening Program for the Class of 2020 featured the existing logo (circa 2013- 2021) while the Evening Program for the Class of 2021 featured a new logo that to be launched effective this date forward.
Since the opening of the Hall a steady flow of historical and championship pictures, famous lacrosse players sticks, seaters, plaques and trophies have been donated and gratefully accepted for display.
What are the criteria and process for selection of inductees into the Hall of Fame?
For a complete "Frequently Asked Questions" list for the criteria, nomination, and selection process go to our Nominations FAQ Page
You may download induction criteria or the nomination form
What is your privacy policy?
The Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame website Privacy Policy
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